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Drink driver’s car mounted roundabout whilst he was over three times legal limit

Defence said this had been his first drink in 18 months and came after a row with his co-workers

Court drink driving Craigavon

A Craigavon man who was spotted by police mounting a kerb at a roundabout whilst over three times the limit has been handed an 18 month ban.

The 37-year-old’s barrister said the defendant, who had one previous in 2006, “should have learned his lesson 13 years ago”.

Gary Grimley, of Drumbeg, Tullygally pleaded guilty to driving with excess alcohol at Craigavon Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday.

Prosecution outlined that on October 20, at 12.55am, police on patrol in Craigavon observed a Ford Fiesta hit a kerb and mount the grass area of a roundabout on Lake Road.

Officers signaled the car to stop and spoke to the driver, who identified himself as the defendant.

It was noted by police that Grimley’s speech was slurred and he smelled of alcohol.

A preliminary breath test was carried out on the road side resulting in a fail.

The defendant was taken to Lurgan Custody Suite, where an evidential sample gave a reading of 108mg of alcohol in 100ml of breath.

Defence barrister Conor Lunny stated: “He has one previous from 2006, just outside the 10 year period, and he instructs that this was his first drink in 18 months.

“After having a row with co-workers he took far too much drink in Portadown and then made the foolish decision to drive home.”

He added: “He will inevitably lose his job as he requires his licence. He should have learned his lesson 13 years ago but he hasn’t.”

District Judge Amanda Brady commented: “He can’t expect to get the 12 month minimum disqualification with a reading that high.”

Grimley was disqualified from driving for 18 months and was ordered to pay a fine of £250, along with the offender’s levy of £15.

The defendant was certified for the drink driving course which would see his ban reduced by one quarter upon completion.

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