Awareness events to mark World Prematurity Day in two local hospitals were held on Friday.
Presentations from parents, information displays and tea parties were organised at Daisy Hill Hospital Special Care Baby Unit and Craigavon Area Hospital Neonatal Unit.
Both events were supported by Tinylife’s #PremVember Campaign – Northern Ireland’s premature and vulnerable baby charity which is dedicated to reducing premature birth, illness, disability and death in babies born here.
Una Toland, Neonatal Nurse Manager said: “We recognise that having a premature baby is one of the most stressful events for families and the role of neonatal nurses is not only to care for the physical and developmental needs of the preterm baby, but also to support the family through this difficult period and involve them in every aspect of their baby’s care.”
Bronagh Corr, Special Care Baby Unit Manager: “Raising awareness about prematurity helps us recognise the difficulties families face when having a preterm baby, and also allows us to acknowledge the generosity of our local community who support both Neonatal Units throughout the year through fundraising.”
The Southern Health and Social Care Trust would like to thank everyone who has donated and contributed at both gatherings.