Cuts to the Supporting People programme which provides housing services for over 20,000 people will have a severe human cost, says SDLP MLA Dolores Kelly.
“We are in the middle of a housing crisis,” she said.
“My office is inundated with local people crying out for help with housing issues from the availability of homes to homelessness to special adaptations.
“The demand for good quality, affordable, appropriate and secure accommodation far outstrips the supply available in our communities.
“It beggars belief that at a moment like this, we’re seeing fresh cuts to a critical housing programme which helps 20,000 people.
“This short sighted cut to make short term savings will have a severe financial and human cost in the long term.
“It is yet another example of where the most vulnerable are being left to pay the price of political brinkmanship and failure.”
She added: “The SDLP has made representations to the Chief Executive of the Housing Executive expressing our grave concerns at this course of action and requesting immediate reconsideration and reinstatement of this funding.
“We cannot allow some of the most vulnerable people in our society to bear the brunt of this.
“This all underscores the critical need to restore power sharing and take decisions in the interests of the people we represent.”