A small church complex in Craigavon is set to be dramatically enhanced, as planning approval has been granted for the extension of the church building.
Plans for internal alterations have also been approved, including the relocation of the main assembly space to provide a multi-purpose breakout space.
Hope Community Church, at 20 Highfield Road, is located approximately 50m south of Marlborough House and 20m north of a Tesco store.
The building is currently single storey with a black slate hipped roof and brown brick. Off-street car parking is available with 43 standard car parking spaces and three disabled spaces.
The planning application was lodged by Glyn Owen, Portadown, on behalf of Craig Cooney, with an address at 20 Highfield Road, Craigavon.
Planning officers wrote in their report: “Officers are content that the proposed development is acceptable as a matter of principle as a town-centre use.
“From a design perspective the proposed extension will be to the north-western side of an existing building.
“Given the topography of the site the building is not readily visible. The design of the building, while modern, fits in with the surrounding area. There is therefore no effect on design, layout or amenity from a design perspective.
“Noise can be one of the main sources of contention associated with this type of developments. It is noted that there are no residential properties nearby. Environmental Health have no objections to the proposal.”