A Craigavon man accused of exposing himself to teenage girls will face the Crown Court proceedings next month.
The 52-year-old is also alleged to have engaged in a sexual activity in the presence of the same females for the purpose of sexual gratification.
Terry McCollum, of Kernan Hill Manor, appeared charged with indecent exposure, indecent behaviour and intentionally engaging in sexual activity in the presence of a child under 16 at Craigavon Magistrates’ Court on Friday.
Standing in the dock, the defendant made no objection to the holding a preliminary enquiry.
Prosecution submitted that based on the papers before the court it was believed there was a prima facie case to answer.
Defence counsel made no contrary submissions to this.
The defendant was subsequently released on his own bail of £500 to appear before Craigavon Crown Court on November 26 for arraignment.
Conditions of his bail included; not to be within 200-metres of premises that would attract children, not to be within 200-metres of school and not to have any unsupervised contact with child under 18.