Plans for a huge £34 million housing development in county Armagh have been submitted.
The ambitious 500-home development will be situated next to Craigavon Area Hospital.
And if given the go-ahead by council planners, it will represent one of the largest building projects undertaken in the Borough in recent years.
An outline planning application was submitted to Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon Council earlier this month by Portadown company Sustar Limited.
The 2.5 hectare site, to the east of Bracken Lodge /Lisnisky Lane is greenfield farmland with a number of vacant buildings, which will be demolished.
The development will be named Bracken Hall and will consist of 22 luxury homes to begin with, with hopes they could be ready early next year.
Should the application be approved, the project will be phased, but could see investment of up to £34 million over the next 15-20 years.
The development will include significant greenery as well as a children’s play area.
That facility will cater for all abilities and mobility, including pre-school and primary to 11 years.
There will be swings, climbing frames, rotary and spinning equipment and seating.
Neighbours have been notified of the plans, including Craigavon Area Hospital.