Residents who put the wrong items in their brown bin will not have it emptied as part of a new system being rolled out across the borough for next week.
As Armagh I revealed in May, new ‘yellow cards’ – or hangers, as they are known! – were being considered.
And now they will be shown to those who fail to follow the recycling rules!
The ABC council insists it is part of a continual drive to improve the quality of recycling throughout the borough.
The new scheme, it says, is designed to help make householders aware when they have put incorrect materials in their green and brown bins.
Waste crews check all bins to ensure items such as plastic bags and nappies are not mistakenly placed in green and brown bins.
From next week – the start of July – any bins containing the wrong items will have a yellow hanger placed on the handle to let the householder know the contents are not correct and it cannot be collected.
The items will be clearly marked on the yellow hanger to make it easier for the householder to identify and remove them before setting the bin out for their next collection day.
“Putting the wrong items into our bins lowers the quality of our recycling and costs council more to dispose of it,” explained Lord Mayor Julie Flaherty.
“As part of the process of harmonising our recycling efforts across the borough, we are introducing the yellow hanger scheme to help give householders more clarity.
“It will help them understand that their bin was not collected because it contained incorrect materials and they will be able to see exactly what those items are so they can remove them from their bin before it is due to be collected again.
“Contact numbers will also be included on the hangers should residents need any further assistance.”
As well as introducing the new yellow hangers, council is also reminding residents to have their house number clearly marked on each of their bins and that only one bin of each colour will be collected per household on each collection day.
Approved exemptions must have the appropriate stickers displayed on their additional bins in order for them to be collected.