Sinn Fein are playing “silly beggars” with Council’s play pitch strategy, according to the SDLP.
Craigavon councillor Declan McAlinden has hit out at Sinn Fein comments questioning the Council’s strategy, which they say “fails to reflect the needs of the entire Craigavon community”.
Councillor McAlinden explained his party’s position on the matter.
“At a recent meeting Sinn Fein put forward a proposal to have an EQ IA (Equality Impact Assessment) on the council’s play pitch strategy after having sat for three years developing the proposal without once questioning the process,” said the SDLP councillor.
“Their motive is unknown but their proposal doesn’t have the support of the Ulster GAA council, local clubs or schools.”
He added: “In fact, their proposal would only have delayed the implementation of the plans, and potentially put at risk, the existing developments.
“Sinn Fein need to quickly explain their solo run to the GAA community within the Borough and to the Ulster Council of the GAA.”
Sinn Fein councillor Catherine Nelson had stated that our public spaces “must be reflective of our entire population”.
Adding: ““The GAA is the largest sporting organisation in our Borough yet in the Craigavon area ABC council provides 25 pitches for soccer and zero for GAA.
“The failure to equality proof this policy is also of major concern.”