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Teens drop object from footbridge smashing windscreen of passing car near Rushmere

Police believe they were very near dealing with a fatality after a large object was dropped from a footbridge onto a passing motorist in Craigavon this evening (Sunday).

It is understood a group of young teenagers were seen congregated on the footbridge close to Rushmere Shopping Centre when the incident happened.

A police spokesperson, posting the image of the damaged vehicle on social media, said: “Parents, tonight we could have been dealing with another death on our roads.

“Not due to driver error, speed, mobile phone, or inattention, but due to one of your children.”

The object was dropped from the footbridge by Rushmere towards Parkmore into traffic on Lake Road.

It shattered the windscreen of the car (pictured) right in front of the driver.

The spokesperson added: “By sheer chance it didn’t go completely through and cause injury or worse.

“By good driving, she didn’t swerve and hit someone. But that is no thanks to the recklessness of a child out there.

“We believe a crowd of kids in their early teens and possibly younger were in the area at the time.

“If you’re reading this and you know who did it, let us know.

More importantly, parents, someone out there needs to instil a sense of responsibility and consequences to their child.

“This could have been death. Let the fact that it isn’t, be a chance for education. Talk to your kids. Now.”

SDLP councillor Declan McAlinden unreservedly condemned the attack.

“These actions from whoever perpetrated them has to be condemned and in reality we could be dealing with an attempted murder case,” he said.

“Whoever did this probably thought it was a bit of fun but I would call on anyone who witnessed this or has any information  to please contact the PSNI immediately.

“The next time this happens the  victims may not be so lucky so please whoever is responsible please  refrain from these irresponsible actions.”

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