A group of DUP politicians in the Upper Bann area have said it’s ‘time for action’ in tackling graffiti as the problem continues to spiral ‘out of control’.
Jonathan Buckley MLA, councillor Kyle Moutray and councillor Lavelle McIlwrath have called upon ABC Council to take a ‘hands-on’ approach in addressing the plight of graffiti in the area.
They have said a motion will be brough to next week’s full council meeting to discuss the prospect of allocating funds and resources to tackle the issue.
It’s a problem that has been worsening for some time, with councillor Moutray stating as far back as last February that council were spending “literally tens of thousands of pounds” on the removal of graffiti, much of which is offensive.
In one recent incident at the start of the month, police issued an appeal for information following a graffiti spree in Lurgan under the cover of darkness.
Mr Buckley says the issue has been “long-standing” in his constituency, but that it’s a problem that’s only getting worse.
He commented: “It has been brought to my attention time and time again by concerned residents and business owners.
“In many instances, I have worked with the PCSP (Policing and Community Safety Partnership) to have graffiti removed, but their budget only extends to graffiti deemed ‘offensive’, and this does not account for senseless ‘tags’ we see so often.
“It’s hugely frustrating that the public foot the bill for cleaning this vandalism, but we cannot go on allowing graffiti to build up across our town centre and residential areas.”
Councillor Kyle Moutray added: “Graffiti is a growing frustration for so many. In Portadown, we see it on bus shelters, at our train station, and at pay and display car parks. What sort of message does this send to people visiting the town centre, and for those trading in it? More recently, I have seen it spilling into residential areas and onto private property.
“Whilst we need police enforcement to stop those responsible for vandalism, we also have to face up to removing each piece of graffiti and I believe council can play a bigger role in this. In various parts of England and Scotland, councils have dedicated graffiti removal services. Belfast City Council has a dedicated hub for reporting graffiti which the public can make use of online.
“To this end, Councillor Lavelle McIlwrath and I have proposed a motion for the next full council meeting seeking agreement to allocate the necessary funding and resources to tackle the plight of graffiti in ABC Council
“The only way we are going to get to grips with graffiti is by actively exploring an effective system that works for council, residents and all statutory bodies involved.”