Two teenage girls were left in a panicked state after a man, dressed all in black, ran towards them on Sunday afternoon.
Police in Craigavon are appealing for information, or for the man to come forward, in a bid to help offer an explanation.
A PSNI spokesperson said: “We’re dealing with a strange incident yesterday afternoon between Clonmeen and Rushmere.
“At around 2.45pm, two teenage girls were walking the back paths when an unknown male ran towards them. This caused the girls considerable panic and they ran to a nearby house for help.
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“He turned off in a different direction and did not follow them.
“At this stage we don’t know what, if any, intentions the male had, and we’d very much like to speak to him to establish if there is a reasonable explanation for such behaviour.
“He is described as a white male, dressed all in black, with either a black hat or hood. He is tall and thin build.
“If you are that male, or you saw someone in the area matching that description that you know, please call us on 101. The incident number is 933 of 26/11/17.
“This is also a timely reminder of stranger danger. The girls did the right thing, running for help. Parents, if you haven’t already- have that conversation with your kids now.
“It could be a perfectly innocent explanation for this, and it could be nothing, but it’s an important conversation to have none the less.”
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