Councillor Malachy Quinn has called on Mid Ulster District Council to liaise with neighbouring ABC Borough Council to take steps to stop quads from using the Ferry Cycle Bridge – which spans the River Blackwater – in Maghery.
Speaking at a Development Committee meeting held on May 16, the SDLP representative for Torrent DEA commented: “I just want to mention the Blackwater. I got a complaint from a constituent last week about the Ferry [Cycle] Bridge, and I know that’s under ABC control, unfortunately.
“Quads are ripping up both sides of the bridge, ripping across it with people walking, people with prams, young children, and the quads are obviously small enough they can go up the walkways and down the other side.
“After I posted about it I was contacted by the PSNI who said they’ve had similar complaints and they’re wondering if the council can do anything by putting bollards or something to block the access for quads.
“Now, I didn’t inform them it’s an ABC issue, but maybe that’s something that we can from here raise with ABC, and see if we can work together to get that done.
“I don’t want access blocked for prams or anything like that, but I think just looking at the damage that was done on our side of the bridge, and the damage that was done on the Maghery side as well, something does need to be done to prevent quads going up and down.”
Strategic director of Communities and Place, Ryan Black replied: “In relation to the quad issue, we will look at it. We’ll maybe even raise it through the PCSP as well to see if there can be a collaborative approach.
“Bollards are potentially one solution, but also we need to look at it from an accessibility perspective, to ensure that it doesn’t then prohibit other legitimate users of the site.”