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Fuel waste dumped at farm entrance endangering livestock

Fuel launderers put a farmer’s livelihood in jeopardy after dumping toxic waste at the entrance to his property.

The criminal elements involved in ythe illegal fuel trade have again come under fire for their activities.

They have been accused of being anti-community and putting profits before people.

After this latest incident – which happened in Forkhill – their activities have taken an even more despicable turn, with the toxic byproduct endangering livestock.

A local councillor has condemned the culprits.

“This site has been used before to dump this poison,” said Sinn Féin Councillor Mickey Larkin.

“To abandon such toxic material at the entrance to a farm adds to the serious nature of the incident.

“It is distressing for the farmer and the community. Untold damage is being caused to the environment by these chemicals.

“The dangers to the health of both livestock and residents is obvious.

“I would call on those involved to cease their illicit trade and end their attacks on this community.”

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