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House burgled in Armagh in latest of spate of similar incidents in recent months

Police in Armagh are appealing for information after a report of burglary at residential premises at the Glen Macha, Cathedral Road area on the morning of Monday, September 29.

Constable McAteer said: “Sometime between 5:30am and 7am, it was reported that entry was gained to a house in the area and a number of items were taken during the incident.

“Police are also investigating a link between this incident and two attempted burglaries at residential premises at the Convent Road area on the morning of Monday 29th September. Nothing believed to have been taken during the two incidents at houses in the area, but attempts were made to enter the premises

“Police do believe that a burglary at a house in the Niall’s Crescent area sometime between 11pm on Sunday 28th September and 7:30am on Monday 29th September may be linked to these incidents. It is believed that a tablet device and a handbag containing a sum of money was taken during the incident. The handbag was later found without the money a short time afterwards. Enquiries are continuing.

“I would ask anyone who knows anything about this incident to contact us at police at Armagh Police Station on the non emergency number 101 quoting reference 189290914. Or if someone would prefer to provide information without giving their details, they can contact the independent charity Crimestoppers and speak to them anonymously on 0800 555 111.”

Local Sinn Féin Councillor Garath Keating has urged local residents and business owners to be vigilant and mindful of the security of their homes and premises following the recent spate of burglaries and attempted burglaries in the west of the city.

Commenting on a number of reported break-ins and attempted break-ins early in the week, which follow on from a number of further incidents at both residential and commercial premises recently, the representative deplored those involved in what he described as “the lowest and most selfish form of criminality imaginable”.

He said: “Those responsible show no regard whatsoever for the lasting impact such incidents have on their victims, an impact which goes far beyond the cash value of any possessions lost. To shatter the security and sanctity of a person’s home in such a fashion is a devastating price to put on a quick buck.

“Those involved in such acts should take a close hard look at themselves and give some thought to the lasting fear and worry their actions leave with their victims.”

Mr Keating urged all communities to “work together” to combat this type of crime and asked people to “look out for their neighbours and to be mindful of anyone acting suspiciously”, urging in such instances the local police to be contacted.

He invited anybody wishing to discuss any of these matters or wishing for any help or assistance in setting up community watch or safety groups to contact the Sinn Féin office on 028 37 511797.

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