A Co Armagh GAA club is hosting a huge Health and Wellbeing Day for the entire community later this month.
Granemore GAA are hosting the event which will take place in St Mary’s Community Hall on Saturday, October 12.
The event has been organised as part of the club’s health and wellbeing programme, which aims to promote healthy lifestyles for players, volunteers and the wider community.
The event will run from 10am, with a number of health stalls providing free and confidential information and advice including: Cancer Focus, Samaritans, Southern Trust Community Development team, Hope 4 Me Fibro, Dunlewey Addiction Services Ltd, Smoke Cessation, Parentline Service, Claire Meakin Nutritional Therapy and Rural Transport.
This will also be an opportunity for the people of Granemore and surrounding areas to register as a stem cell donor with Leukaemia & Lymphoma NI.
The need for steam cell donors has been widely publicised lately in the media and it would be great for the community in Granemore to support this vital donor service.
Simply call into the hall between 10am-1pm to participate in this donor drive, full information and advice will be given to those willing/interested in being a donor.
Appointments are also available for hearing tests and free hearing aid maintenance provided by Action on Hearing Loss NI.
Please make you appointment in advance by contacting the club’s health and wellbeing officers.
Farm Families Health checks is by appointment only and is already fully booked, however anyone wishing to avail of these free health checks should contact the club’s Health and Wellbeing Officers as there is potential for another session to be held later in the year.
Chairman of St Mary’s GAA Granemore Pete Carr said: “We hope our health and wellbeing day will promote healthy lifestyles to the wider community, providing vital health checks and an opportunity to become a stem cell donor.
“We expect a large turn out across the entire community and people living in the surrounding areas will be very welcome to attend. The event is free to everyone. This is part of the club’s ongoing health and wellbeing promotion.”
Local Club Members with an expertise in health will also be at hand to provide advice including Bronagh Ward, (10am-11.30pm) Optometry to check vision and health of eyes; Dr Marianne Rice (10am-12pm) will provide advice on breast checks and Dr Ursula Conroy (10am-12pm) who will provide mole checks.
There will be a variety of health advice stands including: Cancer Focus, Ulster GAA, Southern Trust, PIPs, Hope 4 Me Fibro, Dunlewey Addiction Service, Smoke Cessation, Parentline, Age NI, Samaritians, Rural Transport, Start 360, Shannon Carr Recharge Recovery who will give taster reflexology, NI Transplant Team, Creena McVeigh who will give taster reflexology, Community Safety Partnership, The Cormac Trust and Order of Malta.
Anyone wishing to make an appointment for hearing checks or farm families health checks should contact Health and Wellbeing Officers Paula Rafferty 07766604624 or Aileen Lennon on 07703470223.