Police and Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service had attended the scene of a fire at a hall in Keady.
The Madden Raod is closed and motorists should seek an alternative route.
The cause of the fire is not yet known at this time.
Local SDLP Councillor Thomas O’Hanlon said he had spoken to police about the ongoing incident.
He told Armagh I : “At this stage nothing untoward is suspected.
“Police and the Fire and Rescue Service have left the scene and will return later to complete their investigations.
“Roads Service also attended the scene as water running into the road would have caused a hazard due to the cold temperatures.
“This hall is used by the local community including an accordion band and I hope the police and Fire Service will be able to quickly establish what caused the fire and hope the hall can be refurbished and brought back to use as soon as possible.”
There are no further details at this stage.
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