Determination is a wonderful thing and the pupils of Killylea Primary School have it in abundance.
The children set themselves a target to collect 100 bags of rubbish during February.
And they have only gone and done it – and ahead of schedule too!
The school – a renowned eco-school and very much to the fore in promoting outdoor learning – had taken the initiative to clean-up the locality.
It has not failed to go unnoticed that levels of litter have risen starkly during the course of the pandemic, as people go out for their daily exercise and the majority have taken holidays at home.
The pupils set themselves a ‘Big 100 Bags of Rubbish in February Challenge’ and appealed for volunteers to come on board from the local community and help out.
Principal Pam Lowry is proud of their achievements.
She told Armagh I : “The have just reached their 100 bags of rubbish target
“What a whole school community effort and the roads around Killylea are seeing the benefits.
“Pupils would ask the public to please take their litter home with them and put it in the bin.
“The most frequent piece of litter was plastic bottles. Do you know they take 450 years to decompose?”
Certainly there are a lot more people out there who know that now thanks to Killylea Primary School, so here’s hoping they will remember it the next time they are tempted to throw a bottle down!
From their superb place of learning they are teaching us all valuable lessons! Well done all!!