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Suspended prison sentence for Loughgall woman caught driving day after being banned for drink driving

Defence said in relation to his client - who was also disqualified for three years: 'I think it was a case of her burying her head in the sand'

A Loughgall woman who was stopped by police driving the day after being disqualified for driving with excess alcohol has been banned from the roads for three years.

In sentencing the 52-year-old, the deputy district judge said: “I find it surprising that you were not aware of being disqualified the day before for driving with excess alcohol….. it seems an odd state of mind.”

Susan Mary McCann, of Derrycrew Road, appeared for sentencing for driving whilst disqualified and using a vehicle without insurance at Armagh Magistrates’, sitting at Newry, on Tuesday via videolink from her solicitor’s office.

Prosecution outlined that on October 14, at 4.55pm, police stopped the defendant driving on the Moy Road, Armagh, after a check on her vehicle came back as being uninsured.

McCann produced to police a policy of insurance which expired in May 2020, with subsequent checks by officers revealing that she had been disqualified from driving the previous day.

The defendant was interviewed about these offences and made full admissions.

Defence solicitor Philip Reid stated that his client “had never been before a court” and the previous matter had been dealt with in her absence.

He commented: “I did not represent her then…..I think it was a case of her burying her head in the sand. Whilst aware of proceedings she wasn’t diligent in chasing the matter up.”

Mr Reid stated McCann had since sold the car and was no longer driving.

Deputy District Judge Philip Mateer said: “I find it surprising that you were not aware of being disqualified the day before for driving with excess alcohol….. it seems an odd state of mind.

“You have pleaded guilty and it was the next day, through diligent police work, that you were detected”.”

McCann was sentenced to one month in prison suspended for 12 months and was disqualified from driving for three years.

In addition, the defendant was also ordered to pay a fine of £400, along with the offender’s levy of £15, within 26 weeks.

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