A former menswear store in Lurgan looks set to be dishing up tasty treats in the not-too-distant future after approval was given for a new fast food takeaway.
Planning officials have now recommended – and councillors have agreed – that the William Street enterprise should be allowed to proceed.
Armagh I first revealed plans for the change of use in May of last year.
MC Menswear had been based at William Street in the town since the 1990s.
Specialising in suits and wedding and formal attire, the menswear shop had been a mainstay of the town for over three decades.
But in February 2022 it pulled down the shutters for the last time in what was a sad and emotional occasion.
Read more: End of an era as Malachy closes menswear shop after 57 years as a tailor, man and boy
Within a few months an application was received in the name of Louise Tahir for a new business to fill the gap on the local retailing map.
She was seeking approval for a new fast food outlet, bringing the prominent unit – not far from Lurgan PSNI Station – back into productive use.
And her proposals have now found favour, allowing the applicant to do just that.
According to the professional planners’ report, the proposals for the two-storey property are in keeping with the area and similar in appearance to neighbouring businesses either side, namely a Turkish barber and Chinese takeaway.
The new eatery – which will create a small number of jobs – will boast kitchen and storage facilities with servery area and limited seating to the front of the counter for customers.
The planners’ report adds: “The entrance and front façade will remain as existing and any signage is subject to a
separate planning application consent.”
There were no objections to the plans from Environmental Health, DfI Roads or NI Water.
Indeed, planners note there are in place “satisfactory arrangements for access, parking and effluent disposal”.
However, in granting approval, a number of conditions were laid down, including one which stipulates that refuse be stored in the ‘open yard’ to the rear of the premises, with the exception of the bin collection day, and that no rubbish is to be “stored on the street at any other time”.
Giving their blessing, planners conclude: “The use of a hot food takeaway is considered to be a complementary function to retailing and therefore is an appropriate use in the town centre.”