A contract has been awarded for the construction of 15 new homes on the lough shore in Co Armagh at a cost of approximately £1.2million.
The work will see a further 15 homes built in the Derryadd area of Derrymacash, despite privacy concerns from a neighbouring home.
The houses will compliment five homes already built in the area following a previous application for 15 dwellings on the site.
Grazing land immediately to the rear of homes on the Ardmore Road will be used for the houses, five of which will be detached, with the remaining 10, semi-detached.
One neighbour raised concerns about privacy while others asked for the paving to be completed and street lighting to be installed, both of which have been agreed to.
Concerns raised by the resident included the increased number of houses in the area “which does not reflect the current pattern of development”, as well as the lack of open space.
The resident said his property would be overlooked from the first floor window of the new properties which are to be built on higher ground, and objected to any development other than a single-storey building.
He also raised the issue of a limited footpath given the road traffic was likely to increase.
However, planners said the proposed back-to-back distances of the two closest properties are 37m and almost 40m from the resident’s current dwelling.
Their report suggested that “this is a substantial separation distance, despite the fact the existing dwellings are single story, the generous separation distance will mitigate against overlooking into the rear of these properties”.
Therefore, in terms of amenity and overlooking “officers are of the opinion that the proposed dwellings will not cause adverse effects by reason of loss of privacy overlooking an existing dwelling”.
Permission was by Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon Council last month with Dundalk-based Wilden Construction Services Limited to be responsible for all the main construction works involved and sub contracting.