Twenty-five new homes could be coming to Gilford if a planning application is approved.
Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council’s planners are currently considering the proposal.
Lodged by applicant David McMaster Architect Ltd, the application seeks permission to build a residential development consisting of seven 1.5 storey detached dwellings, 12 split level 1-2 storey detached dwellings and six semi-detached bungalows.
The 1.5686 hectare site on which this development is to be sited is currently in use as agricultural land and is located at Primrose Hill, immediately north of 9 and 10 Primrose Hill, west of 16-22 Pineview Court and 1-7 Pineview Height and south of 56-68 (evens) Chestnutt Brae.
Permission is also sought to carry out associated works and the development will require an alteration of an existing access to a public road leading out from Primrose Hill.
Water for the development will be provided from the mains and any surface water collected as a result of the development will be disposed of via the existing public system. Foul sewage from the development will be disposed of via the mains.
Lodged on Thursday, July 7 and validated on Friday, July 22, the application’s neighbour consultation period expires on Tuesday, August 16 and its standard consultation period expires on Monday, August 22.
The application will be advertised until Friday, August 26.