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Time to remove tattered flags in Lurgan town centre as Christmas looms

Lurgan town by Justin O'Neill

With Christmas on the horizon there have been calls to remove tattered flags from Lurgan town centre.

Sinn Féin councillor Liam Mackle said it’s time ragged flags were taken down as it’s “the last thing Lurgan town centre needs”.

“These flags were erected in the summer without any consultation, and continue to hang tattered and ragged as Christmas approaches,” said Councillor Mackle.

“The majority of people in Lurgan do not want to see flags of any description hanging off lamp posts in their town centre.

“The last thing Lurgan town centre needs is people to be dissuaded from going there, coming on the back of years of economic downturns, Tory austerity, and the ongoing pandemic, which have decimated, not just Lurgan, but other town centres across the ABC Council area.”

He added: “As we are encouraging people to shop local and spend their £100 vouchers to support local retail, this marking of territory in town centres is putting people off.

“I am calling on all bodies, be it Roads Service, the Department for Infrastructure, or the PSNI, to meet their statutory duties and have these flags removed as soon as is practicable, and ensure that Lurgan town centre is a neutral space that can be enjoyed by all its people.”

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