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Man locked in own home during burglary

A man who disturbed burglars was locked in his own house by the intruders during one of two burglaries in the Greenview Gardens area of Portadown.

The first house was broken into sometime between 4.30 and 9.10pm on Monday night while the occupant was out. The house was rummaged through and items of jewellery taken.

In the second incident a man calling to another house in Greenview Gardens at 7.55pm disturbed three males inside the house. The males locked the man inside the house and then made off in the direction of the Brownstown Road.

The first male was described as being approximately 6’ in height, of slim build and dressed in black. The second was approximately 5’8” in height, of medium build and wore a grey hooded top. The third was also around 5’8” tall, of stocky build wearing a grey hooded top and had dark stubble. The man was not injured and nothing has been reported stolen at this time.

Police believe these incidents to be linked and are appealing for anyone who noticed men matching these descriptions or any suspicious activity in the area between the times stated to contact them in Portadown on 0845 600 8000. Information can also be given anonymously through Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

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