Additional much needed personal protection equipment has been delivered to the Southern Area Hospice.
It came after SDLP Upper Bann MLA Dolores Kelly sourced it through contacts in China.
Mrs Kelly, the Chair of the former All Party Group on China, said that she was glad to be able to help those who are doing so much for our community.
She said: “The staff at the Southern Area Hospice have been on the front line of the Covid-19 crisis since day one.
“They have put themselves at risk to look after vulnerable people in our community and have successfully ensured that it remained a Covid-free facility.
“It’s important that we do all we can to look after them.
“As a former Chair of the Assembly All Party Group on China, I was pleased to be able to use contacts to deliver additional PPE for those who need it most.
“I’m very grateful to our friends in Leshan in China for their generosity and support.
“I know that the staff at St John’s House will put it to excellent use.”