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‘Boyz’ are back in town to raise funds for Southern Area Hospice

Two lifelong friends who first found themselves in the city of London some forty years ago will be “be back in town” next April to participate in the world famous London Marathon.

Lawrence Mc Cabe and Pat Mc Ginn have undertaken this 26 mile and 385 yards challenge to raise funds for the Southern Area Hospice.pat cheque small

The two well known men have a fund raising target of £4000 and this week Mayor Naomi Bailie and Aoife Heffron of BoyleSports and Anne Mac Oscar Regional Marketing Officer with the Southern Area Hospice joined with them to launch their fund raising campaign.

Lawrence explained: “Myself and Pat are raising money for the Southern Area Hospice in memory of in particular my dad Dermot who passed away some years ago and had availed of the services provided by the Hospice facility in Newry.

“These services have touched many amongst both our families and friends and we are blessed for the facility and all associated with it. We would like to thank Mayor Naomi, our friend John Boyle and all at BoyleSports for their support which has helped kick start our fundraising and will give us motivation to start training”.

His running partner Pat added: “It is unbelievable that forty years water has run under the bridge since we first went to London to work. We both are looking forward to returning there, “The Boyz” will truly be back in town, and it is a novel way to raise funds for the Southern Area Hospice.

“Our running this marathon is also witness to their commitment and dedication and an act of solidarity for those currently coping with and fighting cancer and all life threatening illnesses.

“We have organised various fund raising events and hope that people will be able to support us.”

Pictured at BoyleSports Office at Mill Street, Newry, are Mayor Naomi Bailie, Aoife Heffron of BoyleSports, Anne Mac Oscar, Regional Marketing Officer with the Southern Area Hospice, Pat Mc Ginn and Lawrence Mc Cabe.

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