Northern Ireland Housing Executive officials could be called to task over what has been described as an “obvious deterioration” in grass cutting locally.
Newry, Mourne and Down District Council will debate the issue early next week when councillors can make their views known.
And they will do so when a notice of motion from Independent councillor Jarlath Tinnelly comes to the floor for debate.
In it he seeks the support of fellow councillors in writing to the Northern Ireland Housing Executive in relation to the standards of grass cutting.
His motion would see council agreed to express “concern at the obvious deterioration in the quality of the grass cutting service delivered by sub contractors on behalf of the NI Housing Executive at their many housing developments throughout the district”.
And Councillor Tinnelly also seeks approval for officers to “write to the NIHE seeking an explanation as to how this deterioration has been allowed to manifest itself”.
He also asks that the council “seek assurances that measures are being undertaken by the NIHE to address these shortcomings”.
The motion will go to the monthly meeting on Monday to be considered.