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Sinn Féin select candidates for 2019 local elections

A recent Sinn Féin election convention selected candidates to contest the Newry City and Slieve Gullion Districts for the local elections due to be held in 2019.

Meaghan Morgan chaired the proceedings and Louth councillor Ruairi Ó Murchú who was conveyor for the convention spoke of the importance of the continuing cooperation between the Newry Mourne & Down and Louth Councils on important issues such as Brexit, policing, environmental crime, tourism and economic development.

Newry and Armagh MP Mickey Brady proposing the selection of sitting councillors Liz Kimmins, Charlie Casey, Valerie Harte and party activist Sarah Jane McAllister stated that they were a formidable team for the Newry City election Ward and would if reelected continue to work for all.

Megan Fearon MLA Megan told the large attendance that it was a great privilege to propose councillor Mickey Larkin, councillor Barra Ó Muirí, councillor Roisin Mulgrew, councillor Terry Hearty and Oonagh Magennis as candidates for the Slive Gullion electoral area.

Megan praised the work of the sitting Councillors and stated that would be another strong and committed addition to the Sinn Féin team.

Conor Murphy MLA, speaking to all present, congratulated the candidates and thanked all members for their continued activism and support.

Commenting on the current political situation he stated: “Make no mistake – this is the most defining period since the Good Friday Peace Agreement in 1998. We will defend our interests at every turn and the withdrawal agreement is the least bad option for Ireland.

“The four remain parties, Sinn Féin, SDLP, Alliance and Green Party represent the majority in the North and we believe that there is no such thing as a good Brexit.

“We recognise that the majority of businesses and civic society here in Newry and south Armagh and throughout Ireland, do not want Brexit either.

“We have a shared responsibility to protect jobs, economic stability and people’s livelihoods.

“At the very least, this means avoiding a hard border, protecting the Good Friday Agreement and hard won peace of the past twenty years, and staying within the single market and a customs union.

“Therefore as a basis for this, we maintain that there is a pressing need for the backstop as set out in the withdrawal agreement to be banked.”

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