Work will start before the end of the month on a major public realm scheme in Newry at a cost close to £2 million.
The works – in the city centre – follows the completion of the NIE/Openreach Network Upgrade in early 2020.
The long awaited scheme is now scheduled to start in “late May 2020”, according to Newry, Mourne and Down District Council.
The Department for Communities is providing over £1.6m with a further £177,000 coming from council.
Works will be concentrated on Lower Hill Street/John Mitchell Place and the associated side streets of O’Hagan Street, Mill Street, Ballybot Bridge and St Colman’s Park.
The proposed works will comprise the installation of new paving and kerbing on the footways.
New decorative street lighting, street furniture, tree pruning and the under-grounding of overhead services are also proposed as part of the scheme.
A council spokesperson said: “The public realm scheme, which will be managed by the council, will be a high quality design using natural materials including bespoke details which will reflect the town’s history and conservation status.
“Contractors Northstone NI, will be on-site delivering the scheme over the next 10 months.”
The current pandemic has also been taken into consideration.
The spokesperson added: “Given the ongoing Covid-19 restrictions, the contractor has revised their plans in light of new government regulations.
“These complying measures have been assessed by the council and its consultants AECOM to enable the contractor to put the appropriate measures in place to enable commencement of the works.
“Considering the extent of planned works and activity, regular liaison will be held with local elected councillors, statutory agencies and local trader representatives.
“The contractor, in fulfilling their public liaison role, will be in touch with effected traders throughout the duration of the scheme to keep them informed and take on board key delivery times and access requirements.”
The contractor has already made efforts to contact effected trader/property owners, but if you have not yet received any correspondence, Northstone NI can be contacted by email at newrypublicrealm@northstone-ni.com