Work is getting underway on a major Newry housing development this week following a 10 year wrangle over a road upgrade.
An original planning approval had requested the developer MJM Group Ltd to upgrade relevant parts of the main access Watson’s Road before construction of 200 houses began.
However, a variation of conditions by the Department for Infrastructure (DfI) has allowed the applicant to start construction on the first three phases from five of the development, before the road traffic works are completed.
Newry City Sinn Fein rep, Aidan Mathers said: “Sinn Féin has been working with local residents and MJM for a number of years on this project.
“We are delighted that work is finally starting.
“This will provide much-needed affordable housing and an upgrade of the road infrastructure.
“With the recent investment in the nearby Thomas Davis Community Hub and sporting facility, both projects will complement each other and offer sporting opportunities for the new residents of local housing developments.”
The Local Democracy Service contacted the MJM Group for comment, but no response was made.