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Four Covid deaths in last week with new restrictions to come into play next week

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Latest figures published today by NISRA show that seven deaths involving COVID-19 occurred in the last week, from August 8-14.

The total COVID-19 related deaths figure stands at 866.

Of this total, 456 (52.7%) took place in hospital, 351 (40.5%) in care homes, eight (0.9%) in hospices and 51 (5.9%) at residential addresses or other locations. The 359 deaths which occurred in care homes and hospices involved 81 separate establishments.

The comparative number of deaths reported daily by the Department of Health to 14th August was 558. These figures are based on patients having previously tested positive for the virus, whereas the NISRA figures are based on the information entered on death certificates, completed by medical professionals. They may or may not have previously tested positive for the virus.

On Thursday, The Executive agreed changes to the Coronavirus Health Regulations to reduce the numbers who can gather indoors and outdoors, including in domestic settings.

Currently up to 10 people from four households can meet indoors and 30 in a garden.

The amendments will reduce the number that can meet indoors to six people from two households.

The number of people that can participate in an outdoor gathering, including in a private garden, will also change from the current 30 people to 15.

Certain events can have more than 15 people attending as long as a risk assessment is carried out and necessary measures are put in place.

This will include weddings, church services and sporting events where a close adherence to social distancing and hygiene regimes continues to apply.

The Executive also agreed some upper limits on gatherings and events that can be introduced quickly depending on the transmission of the disease.

The changes will be introduced next week.

The changes will apply across Northern Ireland, but the Executive accepted that localised measures may be needed in the future to arrest the spread of the virus.

With the transmission of the virus increasing in the community and the R number currently at around 1.3, the Executive agreed that no new indicative dates will be set and no further restrictions lifted.

Ministers stressed the importance of people taking responsibility for their actions and following the public health advice to protect themselves and others.

Washing your hands well and often; practising good respiratory hygiene, keeping your distance from others and wearing a face covering in retail settings and on public transport stops the spreads of the virus and saves lives.

The Executive also encouraged the public to download the StopCovidNI app and if people are displaying the symptoms of the virus, to get tested and to self-isolate for 14 days in the event of a positive result.

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