Suggestions that recognition payments are to be paid to health staff before the end of this month have been described as “inaccurate”.
The Department of Health says it is currently finalising the recognition payment scheme for HSC staff.
As soon as further information is available, it says it will be “immediately published”
A Departmental spokesperson said: “There is some inaccurate reporting that these payments will be made as early as May. This is not the case.
“The Department is very aware that any additional income may have unwelcome implications for any individual in receipt of income assessed benefits.
“We have been working strenuously to try to minimise disruption to benefits payments.
“While it is not possible to disregard the recognition payment, HSC Trusts will be offering any employee with concerns the option to receive their award in instalments.
“Staff will shortly be asked to opt-in to that arrangement, if they choose to.
“Staff will now have the opportunity to consider their options and seek independent advice to inform their decision.
“The Department is working to issue payment of the award to HSC employees in July.”