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‘Ongoing crises’ of health care funding in Armagh having a ‘devastating impact’

“Enough is enough” was one Assembly member’s thoughts on the ‘ongoing crises in funding of the health service’ in Armagh

And SDLP MLA Dominic Bradley is to meet the Chief Executive of the Southern Health and Social Care Trust to discuss his concerns.

Mr Bradley explained: “Over recent weeks we have seen a greater focus on the heath service as it limps from crises to crises.

“In Armagh we have been arguing this for many years  and there are very real and genuine concerns about the impact any proposed further cuts will have on services across the north and locally.

“I have raised my concerns with the Chief Executive of the Southern Trust and will lead a delegation to meet her.

“We will stress our strongest opposition to any further cuts locally.  We are all too aware of the constant changes in Health Service provision and we already see services reduced or even withdrawn, we see services centralised in Craigavon and the impact of these changes are already being felt on patients, carers and the staff within the Trust.

“I believe any further cuts to services will have a devastating impact to health provision in Armagh.

“All trusts have been asked to forward savings plans to the Department for consideration and we will oppose any proposals which would see a reduction in services locally.

“The Southern Trust has historically been underfunded in comparison to other trusts such as Belfast and yet services to the vulnerable are constantly being slashed in this area, enough is enough.”

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