Police in Mid Ulster were left stunned and left “with a real sense of anger” after a driver, stopped on Saturday night, was so drunk the breathalyser could not register a reading.
In fact, police said, it was one of the “highest ever drunk driver readings in Northern Ireland and indeed the UK”.
Even more galling was the way in which the female passenger reacted, as she “roared with laughter”.
The male driver of the Renault Clio was stopped on the Tobermore Road late last night.
“The breathalyser couldn’t register a reading when he was tested in the car because it was so high (they have a limit of 220) and when tested in custody after being taken to the station and booked in,” police explained.
He blew 180 on the evidential machine. The limit is 35.
The spokesperson added: “Crews caught this wannabee killer on the Tobermore Road weaving like a snake, he ended up in an innocent person’s garden.
“It’s a miracle that we don’t have officers calling at someone’s house tonight, to deliver a death message to a family of a loved one who has been mowed down and killed.
“Not that the drunk at the wheel of this car seemed to care in the slightest, he was so out of it he’d no concept of what was going on.
“Meanwhile his passenger could barely contain herself as she roared with laughter like it was all some big joke and wanted to know how she was going to get home.
“An altogether pathetic display from the both of them.
“‘One hundred and eiiiighttyyyy’ might sound great at the darts, not going to be so funny when it’s being read out to the Judge. Wise up.”