TANDRAGEE Neighbourhood Policing Team are inviting members of the rural and agricultural community to an open day at Burkes in Cornascribe on Monday, September 30.
The open day will run from 10am to 3pm to promote the PSNI’s Farmwatch scheme.
Farmwatch is a crime prevention initiative which provides schemes and information on protecting property in rural areas. Members of the rural and agricultural community can register to join the scheme and will receive ongoing information about crime and crime prevention measures.
Those on the scheme receive signage to erect on their property and are encouraged to report suspicious activity in their area. This information is then shared amongst all participants of Farmwatch in the area. Another strand of Farmwatch is the trailer marking scheme. Trailer marking involves a unique ID mark, consisting of a series of letters and numbers, being painted on a trailer in an easily visible area using specialist paint and stencils. The trailer owner’s details and ID mark are recorded and held on a PSNI database which can then be checked if a trailer is seen on the road or in a location at a time that’s unusual.
Sgt Russell Vogan, Tandragee NPT, explained: “We will carry out trailer marking at the open day and anyone who is interested in having their trailer marked can just turn up on the day – no appointment required.
“We will also be on hand to provide guidance and advice on any issues or concerns those attending may wish to discuss.
“The PSNI liveried tractor will also be on display, courtesy of Mr Burke.”
Everyone is welcome to attend and make the most of the services and information on offer.