A new petrol filling station and supermarket are being planned for the Killicomaine area of Portadown as part of a major investment.
Proposals for the development have been lodged with Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council for consideration.
The new facilities have been earmarked for a site specifically “52 metres north west of 48-50 Killycomain Road”, with the given address at 137 Killycomain Road.
The location – not far from JD Tipler’s bar, restaurant and off-licence – had previously been occupied by three houses, but these were demolished more than a decade ago.
It has been used by the builder of the Bachelors Avenue housing development for the storage of plant and building materials.
But now Moy-based Farad Enterprises Ltd has brought forward a major scheme to benefit locals in an area which has grown significantly in recent years.
The development, if approved, would see the construction of a petrol filling station and supermarket-style convenience store.
There would also be a bulk fuels store and totem signage.
The petrol pumps – six in total – would be located under a covered canopy and the new enterprise would boast a total of 36 parking spaces. Of these, three would be disabled parking bays and five would be charging points for electric vehicles.
Bicycle parking is also included to the front of the retail outlet.
New landscaping and planting is planned around the boundary.
The shop – which includes a deli and hot food prep area – would boast a floorspace of close to 4,000 sq ft. Staff facilities and office accommodation is incorporated too.
And according to the application, it would create a number of jobs, with five staff expected on site daily.
Access to the development would be via the Killycomain Road, with a new right turn lane to be constructed.
According to an assessment form, traffic generation “will not be sufficiently large to have a detrimental impact in terms of noise and air quality”.
A noise impact assessment reveals that permission had been granted for this site in 2012 for five retail units, ATM and car park although this never materialised. Current plans, in terms of activity and size, are described as “similar but with reduced retail space and the addition of petrol pumps”.
The proposals will now be advertised shortly with a decision expected in due course.