Residents have raised concerns en masse over a proposed retirement village on the outskirts of Portadown.
Plans for the retirement village, next to the site of the former Glenview Care Home, which closed in 2017, have caused concerns for homeowners on Bleary Road, as well as some in Beaufort Manor – off the Drumnacanvey Road – to the rear of the site.
The care home closed in 2017 after 27 years following a series of critical inspection reports, and multiple plans were lodged for the site over the last 20 years.
The latest iteration – 30 residential units comprising eight assisted living apartments and 22 retirement dwellings – has been met with strong opposition from neighbours.
Plans were lodged back in 2019 but have been amended several times subsequently, most recently last month.
One of the most contentious aspects of the plan is to widen Bleary Road, in front of a row of terraced houses at Blackers Mill Row, which some residents fear could see them lose up to half of their front gardens.
One objector wrote: “My property is directly impacted by the new road layout, which I feel may cause structural damage to my dwelling, which could be up to 100 years old.
“The movement of my wall and pillars two metres closer to my house not only removes half of my front garden, but I feel could affect the foundation of the dwelling due to the heavy vehicles, including tractors, slurry tankers, and HGVs.”
Another said: “Having looked at the amended plans of the proposed housing development at 11 Bleary Road, I strongly object to any kind of development taking place. There have been no clear plans provided to show us what this is going to look like regarding road widening, footpath, etc.
“The volume of traffic on this road is already extremely high, with few drivers abiding by the 30 miles per hour zone. This is a major concern as this will further increase the volume of motorists in the area.”
One man said the residents have not been issued with any drawings or details as to how the road is going to be widened.
“Everyone in this row parks our cars at the front, which belongs to us… no drawings or details are given as to how a footpath is going to be widened.”

Portadown retirement village plans
He added: “The volume of traffic here on Bleary Road is so high that there is an accident waiting to happen, and there are no speed ramps of any kind in place. Indeed, if the truth be told, 30 mph is still too high for this residential area, never mind an increase in traffic if this development goes ahead.”
Concerns have also been raised about the amenity of safe walking routes between the proposed site and the Drumnacanvey Road, particularly if the use is for that of the elderly, as well as potential work on an historic bridge at Blacker’s Mill.
One resident commented: “The map shows a widening of the bridge on my property. I have not been consulted on this issue and object fully to the historical bridge of Blackers Mill being altered. This bridge forms a major feature of my garden, and widening the road or interfering with a historical site is not an option. My garden is my sanctuary, and I do not want the footfall of an extra 30 households passing by.”
Another also cited an inadequate footpath at the bridge.
“This creates a serious accessibility issue that has not been properly addressed in the application,” she wrote, before adding: “The footpaths proposed along Bleary Road are disjointed and piecemeal, failing to provide a safe and continuous route for pedestrians. This lack of connectivity further compounds safety concerns, particularly for vulnerable residents.”
She also said that the revised road layout requires additional land that “the current owners are unwilling to sell, specifically, the property at No. 6, which would be severely affected, losing half of its garden.”
The plans also show a route from the site down to the river at the bottom of No. 6 Beaufort Manor.
Armagh I understands this has been a contentious right-of-way issue in recent years, but it is unclear what the intended purpose is from the plans.
One objector commented: “This garden belongs to the owners of Number 6 Beaufort Manor and has gone through the land register and court. We are very interested in why this green line (outlined in red below) is running to the boundary fence.”
The developer, in a design and concept statement, says it is their intention that this design “was to be sensitive and respectful to the character of the surroundings whilst providing modern retirement and assisted living housing.”
The statement drew attention to the granting of outline planning permission for a housing development in June 2011. A related planning permission was granted in June 2010 for the provision of a new 2m wide footpath on Bleary Road.
The statement concluded: “The development of the site for residential purposes together with a footpath along Bleary Road is evidently acceptable in principle, subject to satisfying regional policy requirements.

The proposed plans
“This scheme will result in a positive outcome for the area…. [and] in view of the foregoing, we respectfully request that outline planning permission is forthcoming.”
Plans are to be considered by Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council in due course.