Plans have been drawn up for a new social housing scheme in Portadown.
An application has been submitted to Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council which is now due to be publicly advertised this week.
A total of eight units have been proposed by Portadown-based Arbour Housing, which was formerly known as the South Ulster Housing Association.
The earmarked location is on “lands approximately 105m north west of 34-36 Ballyoran Manor, Drumcree Road, Portadown”. It is currently described as a “greenfield” site.
The application specifically indicates that these are to be social housing units.
They would comprise four three-person two-bedroom apartments, as well as two two-person one-bedroom apartments.
In addition, there would be two wheelchair accessible apartments, designed for three people and boasting two bedrooms.
Upon consideration, a recommendation would be expected in the New Year.