A leading property developer is planning a substantial residential development in Portadown.
A mix of apartments and new housing is planned by Mayfair Homes (NI) Ltd.
The site in question – described in a submission as “undeveloped fields” – is just 30 metres away from Garvaghy Park, with access via Ballyoran Hill.
In all, the company intends to build 44 new properties in three ‘zones’.
Exactly half of these will be two-bedroom apartments. Some of these will be located at the entrance way from Ballyoran Hill in the first zone, to form a cluster and facing the road.
The remainder, it says, will be found in a “focal building of apartments” which will form a “strong design feature” in the third zone.
Across the three zones the other 22 properties will be spread and these comprise three-bedroom homes. In all, 16 of them are semi-detached and the other six detached.
There will also be an area of open space as part of the proposals.
An application for the development has been submitted to Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council for consideration.
A previous application for the site – consisting of 43 properties made up of 18 semi-detached and six detached homes as well as 21 townhouses – was turned down back in 2016.
This fresh application has been advertised this week.