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Woman involved in public dispute twice in 24 hours told ‘it’s up to you if you want to go to prison’

Craigavon Magistrates Court

A woman has been sentenced to one year probation after police were called to her Portadown home twice in 24 hours regarding her behaviour.

The judge warned the 31-year-old: “If this keeps going you will end up in custody, it is entirely up to yourself if you want to go to prison.”

Suzanne Shaw, now with an address in Picardy Avenue, Belfast, pleaded guilty to two counts of disorderly behaviour, resisting police and assault on police at Craigavon Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday.

It was heard that these offences related to two incidents which occurred within 24 hours of one another.

Prosecution outlined that on July 31, at around 10pm, police were called by a neighbour of the defendant to an address in Portmore Street in Portadown regarding a dispute.

Officers arrived to find Shaw shouting and gesturing to a person in an upstairs window.

When police engaged, the defendant continued to shout, scream and use profanity towards the person.

Officers tried to diffuse the situation but were unsuccessful and Shaw was subsequently arrested.

On August 1, at around 9.45pm, police were once more called to Portmore Street.

Officers observed Shaw in the communal hall of the property.

It was noted that she appeared intoxicated, as she shouted and swore at police and another resident.

Police escorted the defendant to her home, where her behaviour became irrational and they watched as she kicked a bin.

Shaw continued to shout and swear, before lunging at police to leave the property and told officers: “I’ll f****** kill you”.

Police tried to place handcuffs on Shaw but she resisted them by biting her sleeves.

The defendant was eventually restrained and arrested.

Defence barrister Peter Coiley stated: “The aggravating feature in these cases is that they occurred within 24 hours of each other and that Ms Shaw has been assessed as having a high likelihood to reoffend.

“As the probation report outlines, alcohol misuse has been an acute problem for a period of time but her record only begins in September 2018, prior to that she had made it though her teenage years and further drinking without issue.”

He continued: “The pre-sentence report is positive in the sense that Ms Shaw is actively seeking the benefits of a probation order.

“These offence occurred in Portadown but she has been bailed back to Belfast and has been residing at her parent’s address, upon sentencing she does wish to return to Belfast”.

District Judge Steven Keown said: “If this keeps going you will end up in custody, it is entirely up to yourself if you want to go to prison”.

Shaw was sentenced to one year probation for the offences.

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