A massive pothole – nicknamed ‘the beast’ by the good folk of Richhill due to its size and refusal to go away – has finally been fixed.
And the blessed day – Tuesday, for the ‘dear diary’ enthusiasts – has been welcomed by one local DUP representative who has been campaigned endlessly for something to be done.
The pothole in question is on the Annareagh Road and it has been the curse of many motorists over many weeks.
Despite previous efforts to repair the hole, it just kept coming back time and again!
Finally, DUP Alderman Gareth Wilson has welcomed the conclusion of “more effective work” in dealing with the Annareagh Road ‘beast’.
He said: “This work, which has involved the excavating of a significant stretch of defective surfacing and reinstatement, will hopefully make a really good job of this sweeping bend.
“Only a few weeks ago this short stretch saw thousands of pounds of damage caused to vehicles after drivers unwittingly hit a massive pothole and then, following recent flooding, a further number of holes developed on the cracked surfacing leading to further damage to vehicles.
“I have been lobbying for a more extensive repairs on this section as the basic pothole repair wasn’t holding up to the weather or the traffic, resulting in it breaking out multiple times.
“This patching work wasn’t efficient in terms of resources and I am glad to see that a more permanent and hopefully longer lasting repair has been delivered and I personally thanked the contractors for their work on behalf of motorists.”