Meigh and Newtownhamilton are both set to benefit from a £500,000 Environmental Improvement Scheme.
Newry, Mourne and Down Council have been awarded the substantial funding for schemes in villages right across the borough.
Sinn Féin’s Mickey Brady has welcomed the allocation of substantial funding to south Armagh.
“Each village along with Hilltown, Killylea and Annalong will be allocated over £500,000 for environmental improvement schemes from the Rural Development Scheme which is funded by the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DAERA) and the European Union.
“Rural communities and small businesses within the Newry Mourne & Down district are set to benefit from £11.2m investment from this program.
“This funding will be beneficial for community infrastructure, improving access for residents, upgraded street lighting and improved carriageway-footway links which will enhance accessibility and pedestrian safety.”
Commenting on the importance of such funding streams from the European Union (EU) and the impact of Brexit , the Newry & Armagh MP added: “The environmental schemes will see much needed money spent on villages that have seen little investment from any statutory agency or funding pot.
“The program also delivered a range of Play Areas throughout the district as well as supporting small rural businesses and job creation.
“There is little indication as to how EU funding especially for rural community based will be able to proceed in the event of a Brexit irrespective of ‘deal’ is imposed on us.”