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‘Enough is enough’: Tandragee residents’ horror stories of speeding cars and lorries

Something needs to be done about speeding traffic approaching Tandragee before someone is killed.

That’s the opinion of Independent Unionist Councillor Paul Berry who has raised the issue of speeding on the Portadown Road approach to the town – which is home to a built up residential area and a primary school.

“Over recent weeks I have been contacted by residents about their serious concerns about speeding on this stretch of road leading into Tandragee town centre,” said Mr Berry.

“This is the main A27 Portadown to Newry route so this is a very busy road used by all types of vehicles large and small and the speeding is outrageous and if something doesn’t happen then someone could be killed.

“I have been in close contact with the PCSP and the area PSNI Inspector Kieran Quinn and I have requested their help and assistance in trying to address this serious issue.”

Last week, police put a Speed Indicating Device in place at Willowfield (pictured).

Said Mr Berry: “Whilst this is welcome, I believe more needs to be done, such as visible PSNI Traffic Branch on site to apprehend those speeding on this built up area in Tandragee.

“I have received calls from residents in Linvara, Willowfield, Knockview Drive and Wayside and also parents who take their kids to the Primary School and all of them have horror stories of cars and lorries speeding on this road.

“Enough is enough and action is required to try and address this dangerous situation for the sake of road users and pedestrians who use the Portadown road everyday. I will continue to work closely with residents and PSNI to draw attention to this very serious situation.”

Read more: Tragedy averted for family outside school after lorry ‘jumps’ red lights in Tandragee

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