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Weekend burglaries at business premises and housing development

Police in Portadown are appealing for information following a number of burglaries in the area – one from business premises and the other from homes which were under construction.

Sometime overnight between Friday, November 28 and Saturday, November 29, four new build homes at a building site on Lisniskey Walk were entered.

Four gas burners, approximately 3ft tall, 18in wide and 14in deep, a Belling oven and Belling hob were taken.

Constable Catherine McTaggart said: ““We would like to hear from anyone who noticed any activity around the site during this time or has information in relation to the burglary or whereabouts of these items. We can be contacted in Portadown on 101, quoting ref: 328291114.”

Police are also appealing for information following a burglary from business premises.

Again sometime overnight on Friday/Saturday, entry was forced to an office at a transport business on Derrycarne Road, Craigavon.

A laptop computer and sum of cash were taken.

Constable McTaggart said: “We believe the thief or thieves parked their vehicle in a lane to the side of the yard, possibly after 2am on Saturday morning.

“We would like to hear from anyone who noticed activity around the premises during this time or has information in relation to this incident. We can be contacted in Portadown on 101, quoting ref: 354291114.”

If you prefer to provide information on either incident without giving your details you can contact the independent Crimestoppers charity anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Scrooge's Christmas Market Place

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