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The death has occurred of Mary Bernadette Donnelly ‘née Courtney’ (Portadown)

Armagh I Death Notice

Donnelly (née Courtney), (Portadown and Formerly Stonebridge, Richhill) March 23, 2025, (peacefully) in Craigavon Area Hospital with her family.

Mary Bernadette (Bernie), beloved daughter of the late Brigid and Tommy and dear sister of Colm, Terence, Desmond and the late Brian, Aidan and Denise. R.I.P. and a much loved aunt.

Bernadette will repose in Quinn Bros. funeral home, 138 Obins Street, Portadown, BT62 1BP on Tuesday from 11.00am until 8.00pm.

Funeral on Wednesday from the funeral home at 12.30pm to St. Patrick’s Church, Stonebridge for Requiem Mass at 1.00pm.

Interment afterwards in family burial ground, Kilmore.

Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on her soul.

Deeply regretted by her sorrowing brothers, sisters-in-law, brother-in-law nieces, nephews, grand nieces, grand nephews and family circle.

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