Griffin (nee Mallon), (Newry), December 15, 2021 (peacefully) at her home in the loving care of her family and friends. Maura, beloved mother of Tony ad loving sister to Jean, Kate and the late Peggy and Seamus (RIP), 12 Warren Hill BT342PH.
Maura’s remains will repose at her late home until removal on Saturday at 11.00am to the Church of St James of Jerusalem, Mullabrack for 12.00 noon requiem mass, burial afterwards in the adjoining cemetery.
Due to the on going situation the wake, funeral and burial will be a gathering of family and friends.
Any further enquiries to Martin Kelly Funeral Directors 02837510600
“Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on her soul”.
Very deeply regretted by her sorrowing son, daughter in law, Anchelina, grandson Reef, sisters, brother in law Joe, nephews, nieces and the entire family circle, friends, neighbors and carers.
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