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The death has occurred of Seamus Grimes (Lurgan)

Grimes, (Lurgan) March 17, 2025, (peacefully) at home surrounded by his loving family. Seamus, beloved husband of Jacqueline and a cherished father of Joseph, Kate, Aine and Conor, a dear father-in-law to Ursula, Jonathan and Aimee and a devoted Gaga of Isaac, Mollie, Peadar, Olivia and Autumn.

Seamus will repose at the family home, 23 Downshire Avenue, Taghnevan, BT66 8SD tomorrow, Tuesday, from 12.00pm until 8.00pm where family and friends are welcome to visit and pay their respects.

Funeral from his home on Wednesday at 9.45 am to St. Peter’s Church, Lurgan for 10.30 am Requiem Mass. Burial afterwards in St Colman’s Cemetery.

Always loved and remembered by his sorrowing family.

Saint Padre Pio and Our Lady Pray for him.

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