A small County Armagh village could be set for an influx of residents with plans lodged for a new housing development.
Proposals for up to 14 – four detached and 10 semi-detached – homes in Killylea have been submitted on behalf of applicant J Prentice.
The properties have been earmarked for a site to the rear of the former Huntsman Bar in the village, on a farm yard, along the Fellows Hall Road.
Previous iterations of the plans included the provision of 16 houses, however, the proximity of badger setts meant the size of the development was reduced as a result.
Nonetheless, the application has been met with consternation by nearby residents, with one homeowner describing the plans as a “complete invasion of our privacy and natural light”.
In a hand-written objection, the resident states they have enjoyed the privacy of their home for over 50 years – the very “reason we live here”.
The letter adds: “We live at the back of our home, which is of our choosing, to enjoy the peace, quiet, natural light, wildlife, and our privacy, which we value when spending time in our beautiful garden. This site would greatly invade this. The development is totally out of character for this area and will ruin the landscape, and once lost, can never be replaced.”
Another objector detailed how their splendid views, which stretch right across County Armagh and into Monaghan, would be greatly affected, having “enjoyed the benefit of light and our current property for the last 42 years without any obstruction or interference”.
The letter added: “We are deeply concerned regarding the loss of light and privacy which would undoubtedly arise as a consequence of the development being in such close proximity to our home.”
Concerns also included “an over-development of a relatively small site” and that it would be “extremely overpowering and obtrusive”, adding to an “unacceptably high density of dwellings which would impact very significantly upon the visual amenity of properties, including our own property, within the immediate facility of the proposed development”.
The four objectors also made reference to the array of wildlife in the area and the detrimental impact the development may have.
Plans have been submitted to Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council for consideration and will be advertised shortly.