A new youth club for young Irish speakers attending local Irish medium primary schools is set to get underway on Thursday October 26.
The youth club, which will be open to children from Rang 4 to Rang 7 will take place at Aonach Mhacha between 3.30pm and 5.30pm on Thursday’s for Rang 4 and Rang 5 and on Friday’s for Rang 6 and Rang 7.
The launch of the youth club will be on October 26 and 27 for Halloween celebrations and will resume on November 9 and 10.
The youth club follows on from the success of the Irish language summer camp, Campa Mhacha, where in its 16th year, saw unprecedented numbers of young Irish speakers attend.
The youth club will follow the same format as Campa Mhacha with a number of activities including art, sport, games, songs and music, and quizzes.
The aim of the new youth club, Club Óige Ard Mhacha, is to encourage local children to use spoken Irish outside of the school environment and to provide a programme of youth work through the medium of Irish.
The club receives financial assistance from the Education Authority, and is being supported by Cumann na bhFiann, the largest nationwide Irish language youth service.
Online registration opens here on Friday October 13, from 1pm.