Based on the picture book by Steven Lee – Molly and Bingo the puppy are having a birthday party – and, best of all, you’re invited!
There’ll be a terrific treasure hunt, all your favourite sing-along songs, including ‘The Ants Go Marching’, ‘Hickory Dickory Dock’ and ‘B.I.N.G.O.’, and lots of fantastic games to play, including Molly’s favourite game, I Spy With My Little Eye!
So put on your party clothes and come join us for what promises to be a magical day of fun and laughter.
It’s going to be the best party ever!
A sweet surprise and photos with Bingo and the birthday girl will be available after the show so grown-ups should bring along their cameras to capture the smiles.
Market Place Theatre, Armagh
Saturday February 4, 2023
2.30pm | £10.00 | concession and children £7.00