Oscar-winning documentarian Michael Moore dropped in at Stormont during his recent visit – much to the delight of Junior Minister Megan Fearon.
The south Armagh MLA was visibly thrilled to meet the 62-year-old film-maker, who won the Documentary Feature Oscar for ‘Bowling For Columbine’, which explores the USA’s gun laws in the aftermath of the 1999 Columbine High School massacre, which left 13 dead and more than 20 others injured.

Photographer – ©Matt Mackey / Press Eye
Moore is renowned for a string of often controversial movies including ‘Sicko’ and the most successful box office documentary of all time, ‘Fahrenheit 9/11’, set in the aftermath of the Twin Towers attacks and focusing on the Bush administration and the global War on Terror.
Once named one of Time Magazine’s 100 most influential people, Moore also met Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness and DUP Junior Minister Alastair Ross during his visit to Stormont.
He was in Northern Ireland to promote his latest film ‘Where To Invade Next’, in which he himself playfully ‘invades’ other countries – France, Portugal, Italy, Slovenia, Tunisia and Finland – to see what America can learn from their own administrations.
It was screened, with a question and answer session, as part of the Belfast Film Festival.
Moore was suitably impressed with Northern Ireland and how far it has come, enjoying his time at Stormont.
He tweeted later that it had been “a powerful evening in a city that’s been able to put down the gun”.
Pictures by Matt Mackey / Press Eye ©
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